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Dan: 14-May-2009 08:07:15
Added first Public Question.

Dan: 13-May-2009 04:03:46
ToDo, Set up Public Questions from members only page. First question: I formally ask any group of life loving E-Ts to provide me and any helpers needed a ride to Earth's orbit on other side of our sun with two blinkships, two spirit scopes with appropriate sensory triggers to drop 'blinkships' down to zero c with respect to c on this coming July 16th to help we Earth people to disconnect Earth's conservation debt made of Anti-Matter. The location of the blinkships is crucial.

Dan: 13-May-2009 03:57:39
Outstanding, I just figured out the last details of how the Wormhole opens at our end to let A-M debt jump through. It generates a Geometric Theorem for Moebius and puts a objective testable observation to verify the Theorem. In addition it tells us which way our Moebius Universes surface twists away from us. An absolute precondition for successful FTL. All we need for the disconnection is TWO blinkships, two spirit-scopes, and a ride to other side of Sun from the E-Ts on July 16th.

Dan: 11-May-2009 10:34:58
I have always tried to tell you everything material to doing this disconnection until now. I am withholding some material questions that only the E-Ts can answer. I do not trust our leaders to relay them properly. I demand to ask them myself in person. Everyones life rides upon doing this right.

Dan: 10-May-2009 11:01:39
The die is cast.

Dan: 09-May-2009 21:59:36
No questions yet.

Dan: 09-May-2009 09:43:05
Ask and you shall receive. We (I) have to ask.

Dan: 08-May-2009 12:10:50
The logical implication is We must have a conservation debt made of anti-matter for Life to exist.

Dan: 08-May-2009 12:09:12
In writing "Theory & Evidence..." topic, I realized that this story has reached a natural summary point. Up to February 10, 1992 when I talked to Gerard hawkins about his article 'Geometric Harvest' in the February 1, 1992 Science News, I had no evidence of any kind, just showing how and why Coase was wrong and the logical implications of my demonstration.

Dan: 08-May-2009 10:17:48
Bonds are selling off sharply. Bernanke had to buy 7 billion to try and hold them. The scam is about over

Dan: 07-May-2009 10:53:50
What defines a crime? This is about Crime and Punishment". Coase's question was really about how do we scientifically define crime.

Dan: 07-May-2009 07:53:37
Spreading the word compulsively to people the last few days.

Dan: 05-May-2009 12:51:10
Top FP almost done.

Dan: 05-May-2009 01:33:10
It is time to finish front page.

Dan: 05-May-2009 01:32:32
Christ commanded us to act and he showed us that to love God and to Love your neighbor as yourself is to act as you would have your neighbor act towards you. In short, Deeds speak, talks cheap.

Dan: 05-May-2009 01:29:51
Compassion = Love for all life plus wise action from where you are at.

Dan: 03-May-2009 09:49:54
A headline sums up our situation and the rest of you will respond. ""Thank Others For Your Life'".

Dan: 03-May-2009 09:45:52
My father told me, say it in a headline. Until you can, it is hard to sell.

Dan: 01-May-2009 21:59:26
It has taken me awhile to figure out how to get a response from the "rest of us". I think I may have it, the one action our Three Monkey Society Leaders absolutely hate to talk about along with most of you. Fast immeditate legal accountability for leaders who commit felonies.

Dan: 29-Apr-2009 11:42:37
I have always posited that the witnesses and reports by members of the Disclosure Project and others implied we had 'blink ships' that we could use for the disconnection of our conservation debt. The trouble is, we must have a real FTL ship to go to the other side of the Sun, implying E-T help. There is no chance they would leave us with such a ship. Ask and you shall receive. I am so asking you E-Ts to help. Earth and its people are worthe saving.

Dan: 28-Apr-2009 22:57:13
On swine flu, it is very strange that it is virulent in Mexico, yet mild elsewhere. Four virus strains combined can only mean manufactured, an impossible natural combination. A two stage virus would first cause a mild infection, then after sensitizing immune system turn virulent. That would explain what we see. TEST: Go see if the people in Mexico with virulent version report mild flu like symptoms 2 to 6 weeks before virulent infection. We shall see.

Dan: 27-Apr-2009 09:31:52
ToDo: On the July 16th Sun explodes date. There has been been no change in the evidence. It clearly is out of my hands, but I will go through one more round of notifying leaders after my Q&A module is installed.

Dan: 25-Apr-2009 00:27:16
The E-Ts have all the information I describe below. I assume with interstellar space travel they can use an internet. Again you E-Ts have an ethical obligation to help when asked by a planet that can describe the circumstances of its A-M debt accurately as I am. We don't need to use our local politicians for this disconnection do we. The people of Earth deserve to live longer as we are growing up.

Dan: 25-Apr-2009 00:19:04
Measuring where the exact center of end of Fixed Ray(FR) is simple. Once you can see the exact distance from end of FR to actual Earth orbit at its location, probably about 90', = 1 four billionth of Earths's orbital radius; then go half that distance into end of FR at ithe center of its width; hit the opening with the 'blink ship' at the precise time deduced from the time shown in Missing Earth crop ciurcle. The opening appears about 27 minutes before ME time; as ME shows when Earth is struck by Ray from A-M debt impact on Sun.

Dan: 25-Apr-2009 00:05:37
1/5000th of a second is how long our window lasts for dropping the 'blink ship" into the precise center of the 'wormhole at the end of the Fixed Ray of our Planetary Spirit line. A virtual eternity of h-bar units. With a 'spirit scope' we can see the exact dimensions of the end of the FR.

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Dan: The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. - John F. Kennedy
04-Dec-2020 09:23:00
Dan: In Matthew 12:25 Jesus says: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."
13-Nov-2020 07:25:28
Dan: "We can ignore reality, but we can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." MilwaukeeMark ZeroHedge
10-Nov-2020 09:30:35
Dan: 'Do you realize that a "No sex until you pass 4 semesters of Calculus Rule" would ensure civilization on this planet for the next million years, and colonization of nearby planets!" by Pete4Hegemon WND James Dobson Sex Ed article pushing teaching sexual abstinence in schools 2020-09-19. Brilliant, true, and very funny.
20-Sep-2020 05:18:43
Dan: 'Its(journalisms) core purpose, the only thing that really makes it matter or have worth, is reporting what is true, or at least what evidence reveals." Glenn Greenwald via The Inercept
06-Sep-2020 00:22:48
Dan: "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what a people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Men may not get all they pay for in this world; but they must pay for all they get." - Frederick Douglass
22-Aug-2020 08:34:44
Dan: "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them." -John Bernard Books- The Shootist
15-Aug-2020 21:07:45
Dan: A political observation: All voters lives matter regardless of their skin color.
07-Aug-2020 17:03:38
Dan: "If you can't question it. It is not science." comment by New Darwin The Sordid History Of Science, Zero Hedge July 19, 2020
20-Jul-2020 01:26:41
Dan: "the key component to civilization is civility and I don’t see much of that anymore." George Critch July 17 2020 Caitlan Johnstone .com comment.
18-Jul-2020 07:17:00
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