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Dan: 16-Jul-2009 23:23:40
Happy days, the E-Ts lied about when. My oh my, the plot thickens. This is not over, now we are left with finding out when.

Dan: 16-Jul-2009 04:54:22
What the whole E-T warning process(crop circles, abductions, and mutilations, Shoemaker-Levy comet) has exposed is our Leaderships absolute self-serving, inept, treasonous, criminal corruption. They have refused to publicly checkout a real possibly preventable "end of the world" prediction, and instead, did business with the E-Ts by letting them abduct multitudes of our people and covering up their and our interactions with E-Ts and UFOs. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx I wonder who could fink on them and be instantly accepted as a reliable witness against the way we hold our leaders accountable??????????????????????????? Only the E-Ts could do that. It has to come from the outside and above us.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ergo, they do something on the 16th or shortly thereafter very overt. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Ergo, if we are still here after 16:32 UT the 16th then that must be the outcome. I like this hypothesis a lot.

Dan: 15-Jul-2009 14:15:41
The E-Ts misrepresent date scenario: i.e. put 3rd warning summary circle down July 16, just with date moved 3 years into future in 2012. i.e. as the 'disconnecting scientist' and I existed on Earth, then I was given info needed to do this warning, so then the rest of you could now realize our situation. We would have three years to do disconnect and E-Ts would help. Highly unlikely. Nothing in previous actions by E-Ts would suggest this is true, they are being dispassionate and why be so indirect? We certainly are not more civilized. I don't feel like this scenario will happen.I am feeling grief occasionally, and a lot of curiosity. In short, I don't have enough info to know and I want Earth to live, my family to live, more time for us.

Dan: 13-Jul-2009 21:25:41
What comes after July 16, 2009, that is the question? First alternative: E-Ts were misrepresenting date and Earth lives; I like this one; then the rest of you get to explain to me why you ignored my warning. We would still have a conservation debt that must be disconnected at a easily determined time in the future once we have the technology. For me, I get to expand and teach what I have discovered. As a betting man, right now I don't like the odds, but I have seen really long shots come in, so we will see. Why were we given a second chance? Whichever alternative advances everlasting Life in the universe will prevail.

Dan: 13-Jul-2009 21:19:23
Second alternative, the Sun explodes, then the question becomes where do our spirits go? I suspect sucked towards the light and put outside our sub Moebius "universe". We are still part of the wider universe, but fated for what? If you don't want to go outside, ask for help from your 'guardian spirits, and stay away from the light. IMHOP, once the explosion stops the opening outside will close and the light will go away also. Use this advice at your own risk.

Dan: 13-Jul-2009 07:57:29
No questions yet.

Dan: 13-Jul-2009 05:09:56
The E-Ts may have a 'hidden agenda", some wider knowledge of our situation that gives them reason to misrepresent the date predcited by their crop circles and Shoemaker-Levy comet; lets hope so. No matter your logical premises, your hold constants, one can always make a TRUE statement verified by observations that can not be proven or disproven with respect to your logical premises. Goedel showed that. It is the E-Ts date, not mine. I can only show that we have a conservation debt and that it will come back to kill us sooner or later. I can even show what measurements we could do to determine the date, after we have the needed technology; but for now, it is the E-Ts predicted date, not mine. I can come up with hypotheticals that would cause them to 'lie', but they are implausible.

Dan: 12-Jul-2009 08:23:34
My last entry on Q&A about "Ramifications of disconnection....". Now there is a tell for you, 'bargaining' the last stage before 'acceptance of death'. How reassuring.

Dan: 11-Jul-2009 07:15:34
The E-Ts get lazy just like us. I just realized and did topic about the fact they can not know the ramifications of a disconnection. No summation circ le means they have never seen one, so how could they know.

Dan: 11-Jul-2009 07:13:22
Another Congress.org and emails. I keep saying the last one and then I realize something new. My recipients must wish I would just go away, they would rather fry. Can't says as I blame them.

Dan: 11-Jul-2009 00:51:35
What comes after disconnection? Assume we succeed in disconnect or E-Ts were lying about date. A strange way to "Warn us", since a warning not understood and ignored = No Pain = No Thought = No Warning. What my family and friends have learned from trying to warn you in public is that We have No Real Public Place to scream "A hole in the dike.", and have it honestly checked out by the public officials whose sworn duty it is to verify anyone's honest warning. Visibly the costs of tolerating First Costs, nay encouraging Corporations and others to build in unnecessary frictions so a "Tax" can be collected to let you through their toll gate, is what our present governments are based upon. This can not continue under any circumstances. A successful public disconnection would if at all, only slightly speed up our collapse. A "create congestion cost = first cost" society can not survive. Thus necessity = big time pain must be felt under all circumstances = short term almost total economic collapse. Ergo, living past July 16, 2009 will expose our real problems at last fast.

Dan: 09-Jul-2009 20:06:17
The next to last Congress.org Soapbox Alert just sent. I said there are slivers of good news. They are real slivers and we are still alive with enough time to act with the right tools.

Dan: 09-Jul-2009 00:19:33
12 PM PST A call from Congress from a man who called himself Tucker Kleich. He wanted to know about the prediction, claimed to know nothing about site, but I gave him the short version and refered him to site. He asked what to do, I said tell Obama and yolur Congressman.

Dan: 08-Jul-2009 19:42:40
No questions yet. No comments, no corrections. Thank God for my "Show I can dock a 510' Naval Destroyer first crack at it." opportunity July 3, or I would be doubting this is a 'love creating life universe'.

Dan: 08-Jul-2009 19:36:23
Which of our Three Monkey Society(3MS) leaderships is going to blink first? The many E-T races or the many human 3MS governmnents. What are you all afraid of. Why are you all afraid to admit in public that you and me and everyone else is personally responsible for the future of life in our universe. Keeping life going is fun to do. Sheeesh!

Dan: 08-Jul-2009 10:34:23
Equation: I can finally start to visualize how the basic 'back to back' nature of a two sided Moebius strip works. The 'symbol' I deduced to represent that new 'mathematical operation' is in my notes. It represents how we see universe from where we sit on M surface.

Dan: 08-Jul-2009 10:25:01
Equation: It rests on this observation. A left hand and right rand Moebius are said to be mutually exclusive = no common axis of symmetry; but that can not be true because a lh & RH M share a common Bowtie Axis by inspection.

Dan: 07-Jul-2009 03:50:41
ToDo: another Congress.org and email list.

Dan: 06-Jul-2009 09:56:11
We need Repeaters badly. We don't need another crop circle that summarizes what has already been said.

Dan: 05-Jul-2009 12:23:15
Why could I dock a 510' US Naval Destroyer with only a two minute briefing on commands, first crack out of the box??:-- 1. I had an aiming point. Put the bow of my ship behind another Frigate.-- 2. I knew what my perfect sight picture was. The ship along the dock with its bow at the aiming point.-- 3. I knew and had done all steps needed to dock any size boat: A how plan. xxxxxx I went as slow as possible. I called out my orders loud and clear, and corrected and helped my Repeater. Absolutely crucial, I "steered small"; when I corrected back my first correction I used equal or smaller amounts until I had the right bearing and I learned how fast the ship reacted to my commands(nice, very fast)---((7-5-09 Kudos to my four person crew, the three kids executed my commands on the button and of course, the answer man. Outstanding!!)). When I did not know exactly how to do something like "How many engine rpms needed to slow down in reverse." I asked the Commander of the Simulator how to do it; then I ordered what he told me. I paid exact attention to the marker speeds for when to order changes in engine thrust and forward/reverse direction. xxxxxxxxxxxx In short, Have an Aiming Point, know what outcome you want, and when you are Not Sure About How, ask someone who does.xxxxxx I think this summary describes the essence of creating better scientific theory, and being a good commanding officer. Both are always adjusting their aim as conditions change while getting others to help them to achieve a common goal.

Dan: 05-Jul-2009 11:55:19
I had an extraordinary experience yesterday. We went to the Everett Naval Station and toured a frigate and then went to a simulator demonstration on docking a Destroyer. It turned out that, members of the public got to do the docking. The commander in charge of the simulator asked who wanted to be Officer On Deck?, I raised my hand, then he picked three 8-10 year olds who were respectively the Person Who repeats OOD helm orders, the helmsman, and the controller of the two engines. The helmsman and the engines controller were to repeat back the OOD's orders with an 'Aye Sir'. I have never parked a Frigate before, although I have docked a 30' sailboat and motor boats many times. We docked it from a 1000 yards out first crack out of the box. The Simulator Commander named Lieutenant Commander Daniel Straub said this had never happened before. In the context of what I am demanding, this opportunity to show my mettle in a command situation is miraculously providential. I explain how I did it in the Message above, which I did not consciously realize until afterwords. (7-05-09 I did not have time to think, I just did what needed to be done.)

Dan: 04-Jul-2009 10:27:00
Hits on Einstein article and Photo Gallery are finally going up daily. A little late, still time left. The disconnection is trivially simple with the right technology. As Arthur C. Clarke said, " An advanced enough technology must seem like magic to those at a lower state of technology.". After a little thought, I disagree> A society with lower technology can have, in fact must have to some degree rational objective science. Science is defined by its purpose, to describe how the universe works from where we sit. It is a method, it is its methods that describe real science, not the immediate technological outcomes. The actual physical mechanism of a more advanced societies technology may be 'mysterious'; but once seen done, a scientist can at least deduce a theoretical outline of "the how'. That is after all, how I deduced how to do a disconnect and how we can go FTL. With objective observations confirming FTL E-T travel must be occurring, = Long Term Gamma Blaster & the E-Ts presence will be followed by a good theory that allows the discovery of the actual technology quickly. I am afraid for us Earthlings, shortly may not include by this July 16th hence we need the E-Ts to help. Their latest crop circles are not reassuring. Thank God, the present circles do not speak for all E-Ts.

Dan: 01-Jul-2009 13:12:41
ToDo: Move 1st question above Q&A procedures. Title it" Latest Question, date. When replaced, move the replaced Question to article archive like in Denninger's The Market Ticker.

Dan: 28-Jun-2009 10:40:25
Not a single question from a stranger about anything in over four years through the N1CL. That applies to the E-Ts to. I expect they know how to use the internet if they can go FTL. Evolving self aware rational life forms takes a very long time for our Spirits to do. Our particular Moebius Strip universe, among a vast number of same geometry sibling universes, is about 13 billion years since its last doubling. Our astronomers best estimate of time from Big Bang.

Dan: 28-Jun-2009 10:08:17
Finally, it looks like a crucial wrong prediction!!! No Summation circle can only mean that most, if not all E-T races, do not know how and why our A-M debts come through, they can predict when and what by reading fixed ray length, and see the result; which means they can give me a ride to do the drop of blinkships down Wormhole on July 16. All I need to do is ask and then pray that at least one E-T race wants to see us survive. What a great plot development. Our Political leaders are completely irrelevant to the outcome. The E-Ts only need me to do disconnection as they have the technology needed. I presume they can figure out how to contact me. So lets put this on Front Page and use as e.g of "how you use wrong predictions to improve your picture of reality = theory", in On Method. Exclamation Exclamation Exclamation

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Dan: The goal of education is the advancement of knowledge and the dissemination of truth. - John F. Kennedy
04-Dec-2020 09:23:00
Dan: In Matthew 12:25 Jesus says: “Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city or household divided against itself will not stand."
13-Nov-2020 07:25:28
Dan: "We can ignore reality, but we can not ignore the consequences of ignoring reality." MilwaukeeMark ZeroHedge
10-Nov-2020 09:30:35
Dan: 'Do you realize that a "No sex until you pass 4 semesters of Calculus Rule" would ensure civilization on this planet for the next million years, and colonization of nearby planets!" by Pete4Hegemon WND James Dobson Sex Ed article pushing teaching sexual abstinence in schools 2020-09-19. Brilliant, true, and very funny.
20-Sep-2020 05:18:43
Dan: 'Its(journalisms) core purpose, the only thing that really makes it matter or have worth, is reporting what is true, or at least what evidence reveals." Glenn Greenwald via The Inercept
06-Sep-2020 00:22:48
Dan: "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what a people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress. Men may not get all they pay for in this world; but they must pay for all they get." - Frederick Douglass
22-Aug-2020 08:34:44
Dan: "I won't be wronged. I won't be insulted. I won't be laid a hand on. I don't do these things to other people, and I require the same from them." -John Bernard Books- The Shootist
15-Aug-2020 21:07:45
Dan: A political observation: All voters lives matter regardless of their skin color.
07-Aug-2020 17:03:38
Dan: "If you can't question it. It is not science." comment by New Darwin The Sordid History Of Science, Zero Hedge July 19, 2020
20-Jul-2020 01:26:41
Dan: "the key component to civilization is civility and I don’t see much of that anymore." George Critch July 17 2020 Caitlan Johnstone .com comment.
18-Jul-2020 07:17:00
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